In WoW, Rogues are the principal characters that deal melee damage.They specialize in assassination, combat and stealth.Rogues are unique in the way that they are the only class that are able to dip their weapons in poison and increase DPS.This ability is very useful when playing PvP.Rogue’s are unable to use shields and thus may take more damage.Because of their specialization in assassination, Rogues are helpful in supporting a tank.
Rogue’s have many benefits of WOW power leveling since they deal in melee attacks.For power leveling a Rogue I recommend on focusing on the Combat spec.For AoE combat spec is the best.Subtlety spec is not as useful since it always requires you to be behind your enemy.
Level 15 – Shadow Focus – While in stealth, special abilities cost 75% less energy.Imagine what you could do with the remaining energy.
Level 30 – Combat Readiness – Who doesn’t want to deflect enemy weapon strikes and top of it all decrease their damage dealt.
Level 45 – Cheat Death – What could be more obvious figuring from the name.Deathly blows from enemies will only decrease your health to 10% instead of killing you.Useful when fighting powerful enemies capable of killing you.
Level 60 – Shadowstep – Want a quick hit and run then this will do the magi for you.Increase your speed by 70% and kill your enemies quickly.
Level 75 – Prey on the Weak – Pretty decent for a high burst comp.
Level 90 – Marked for Death – A great DPS boost.Land 5 Combo points in an instant and should the enemy die within a minute of being marked, the cool down for Marked for Death is reset.