Sandbox Interactive continues to rack in improvements to Albion Online, the latest of which is Hector. Yesterday, a new patch of Hector was released to game. It’s time to download the second patch of Hector, Version 1.0.326. Here are the patch notes: Improvements Caerleon’s Bank and Marketplace are now in their own sub-areas in Caerleon. […]

Do you know Mu Legend Zen? It’s a known fact that Zen is the in-game currency of Mu Legend, it can be used to trade for items within the game. You can get that weapon you need with the help of Mu Legend Zen, or an artefact of great power. Having being said, how to […]

In the coming months, Webzen stressed that the company will focus on developing more new content. The Mu Legend’s combat mechanism is quite similar to Diablo III, especially in locking down the top view. It is noteworthy that the character’s skill system has a very fast recovery time, and in particular is not limited to […]