It’s been less than a week since Webzen launched the MU Legend beta test. So now you are interested in the topic and prepare for the arms race! Old players will not find anything new here, but beginners should take heart in these few quick-level tips if they want to count on the MU continent! […]

The Global Open Beta Test of MU Legend, and will start in September. You can play with us if you buy necessary currencies such as MU Legend Zen and MU Legend Power Leveling. In MU Legend, you will have to for some classes like Dark Lord, Whisperer, Blader, War Mage and Emphasizer. Beside that, you […]

In MU Legend, the most special here is the Soul Level, the level plays no less important than the real level of the character level. In general, Soul level is usually less than the main character level of 5-10 level. Looking at the level rankings, many gamers reached the level of account level of 108, […]

For highly-anticipated gameplay MU Legend, Webzen will hold the Global OBT at the September this year, this is a chance for MU Legend fans to experience the new game. MU Legend was developed based on the Unreal Engine 3 graphics, the image of Mu Legend is quite beautiful with spectacular effects, light effects, true shadows, […]

Do you know Mu Legend Zen? It’s a known fact that Zen is the in-game currency of Mu Legend, it can be used to trade for items within the game. You can get that weapon you need with the help of Mu Legend Zen, or an artefact of great power. Having being said, how to […]