I really really really like the Shaper, is my favorite character of all the PoE universe, but how powerful he is in lore? He seens to have time manipulation abilities, can control and modify (create?) life, control of matter and elements, master of magic an forbidden knowledge, he’s for me above all the gods of […]
Month: April 2018
Act 5 is Path of Exile’s fifth storyline act. In this act, the exile seeks to kill High Templar Avarius in order to end the tyranny of the Templars. The following content you should know when you in act 5, additionally, poe trade currency is important for you in game: Multiple vaal skills will divide […]
I’ve decided to try out PoE today, I’ve played Diablo 2 and 3, and Torchlight 2 previously. I prefer to play various types of Mages in games, thus I chose a Witch, searched for “beginner friendly” guides and these two caught my eye: Both kinda appeal to me, but I do not have an idea […]
White dots now appear on the compass indicating the locations of loots inside a room. If you are looking for these treasures, you can now search these spots specifically. Do you want to poe orbs buy? If you do, you can visit U4GM to have more guides and methods about this. How does it work? […]
In Path of Exile, what would the possibilities for new Ascendancy classes be? I have tried my best to create iconic Ascendancy classes for all 6 non-Scion characters and also given Scion 6 new minor ascendancies based on these 6 new ones. Meanwhile, don’t forget enough poe exalted orb is important. 1. Witch Ascendancy: Prophet […]
Madden-Store.com specializes in the virtual transaction. Here you can enjoy Madden 19 Coins at an amazing cheap price. If you feel hard to farm Madden Coins, why not buy coins in online-store. As long as you have registered as a member in our store, the following services can be available here. Safe Trading We have […]
The Bless Online Steam page has been updated with a look at how the lore of the game world was created. “We aimed to make something new, but still stay true to the essence of fantasy worlds” is the guiding principle behind Bless. This is embodied in the creation of the game’s races, cities “and […]
Although yesterday is Easter (best wishes to all), we must not forget the date of this day, that April 1, 2018. And Square Enix took the opportunity to announce the arrival of a new mobile game, which surely everyone will want to download. This is Final Fantasy XIV Online GO, a title that combines the […]