The term WOW power leveling, often used in World of Warcraft during multi player games, basically describes the process of leveling your character to the level you have decided upon, as quickly as possible using the least amount of play time. By earning experience points the player becomes more powerful.The best way to power level […]

Warlords of Draenor is about as inclusive as WoW expansions get: each copy comes with a magic wand to wave at one of your characters and bring them right up to level 90. It wasn’t a surprise to learn that Blizzard would be selling an identical boost via WoW’s in-game store, but the price turned […]

It’s time for the Warlords of Draenor beta. But the need for a beta now is deeper than appeasing the community’s need for new purple pixels. Three reasons: First, and foremost in the mind of a multinational business like Blizzard, the beta itself is needed to show investors and other stakeholders that the company is […]

WOW power leveling is an interesting beast to tackle. There are many ways to do it, many people trying to sell you their method of doing it, and of course many advantages and disadvantages to all the different ways. As an above poster mentioned definitely join a guild (at least level 10 or something like […]

The World of Warcraft community was up in arms last week, when WoW Insider spotted a level 90 boost item available briefly in the in-game store for $60. Speaking to Eurogamer, lead encounter designer Ion Hazzikostas says the high price tag was established to ensure Blizzard didn’t “devalue the accomplishment of levelling”. The WOW power […]

Blizzard has released a new trailer for World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor entitled “Wish You Were Here.” The trailer highlights the level 90 character boost included with the expansion pack. If you purchase Warlords of Draenor, you’ll be able to raise one character up to level 90 instantly. This character will then get a […]

World of Warcraft’s tenth anniversary is this year, and with that milestone we’ve seen a lot of changes, additions, and growth — the game now spans 90 levels (soon to be 100) and Also hit the WOW power leveling, sprawls across the original two continents, Outland, Northrend, Pandaria and places like Deepholm. We’ll be traveling […]

Well let me start by saying, anyone that can get from 1-90 in 2 days without BoA is a god in human form or a bot of some kind. It would require almost non-stop play time wth minimal if any breaks for food, water, or even bathroom time. That having been said, there are plenty […]