In Path of Exile, what is your favourite leagues? Personally, I like Harbinger, its the only time I’ve ever been able to sustain running endgame. I killed more shaper guardians and shaper during that league than every other league combined since their release, and farming hard bosses is my favorite thing. Take a look at […]

With last week’s reveal of the Incursion update to Path of Exile, players definitely have more than a few questions about what’s coming up. To answer some of those queries, the devs have posted an Incursion League FAQ with lots of mechanical information. Path of Exile is preparing to throw players back in time with […]

Path of Exile uses three main attributes – strength, dexterity, and intelligence – and its seven playable character classes (also called core classes) are each associated with one or more attributes. The seventh character, the Scion, has to be unlocked through completing a specific task in Path of Exile. She’s not a starting character because […]