Diablo 3, while featured completely in 3D with a 3D environment, will follow closely in Diablo II’s track by using the classic isometric view, fast gameplay, and randomized content for high replayability. Some changes have been made in order to make the game more welcoming to new players, to ramp up the difficulty more […]

  Canthan New Year Join the people of Cantha as they honor the Celestial Animal of the coming year by preparing a heavenly feast! This annual weekend celebration features Canthan cuisine, festive fireworks, special prizes, and the famed Shing Jea Boardwalk!    Dragon Festival After years of struggle, The Dragon Empire rose anew from the […]

You are an idiot have you made it to inferno the majority of players are still stuck in act 1 some in act 2 few in act 3 and exploiters in act 4. So 65% of the player base already finished the content? get the fuck out of here lol. I have only gotten a […]

Nothing brings people together like facing down a ravening horde of bloodvelds. As such, from today, you’ll be able to pair up into two-player groups to take on slayer tasks. To team up, simply use your enchanted gem or slayer ring on the player you wish to invite, or use the gem or ring’s new […]

I would probably have stayed playing GW2 if it wasn’t for the lack of PvE end-game. So you spend maybe months completing the campaigns and what do you get for it? The chance to do all the missions again is in “hardmode”. I couldn’t believe it at first, and looked everywhere vainly trying to find […]