There are things you should avoid when WOW Power Leveling, the paid services on offer may seem tempting but only put your account at risk.These services, in most cases may take your account over with the promise of leveling fast and then change your account details and you have lost access to it forever. Even […]
Month: February 2014
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1 What numbers need to use coins to trade on what number.Some of the guests pretending smart, get with the need to use large G trumpet different account to trade, and then traded to use large G G ‘s.In fact, more than an increase in the trading process, will only increase the risk of abnormal […]
Kuradal can ask Slayers of level 92 to kill cheap rs gold airut as a Slayer assignment. We’re also running an Early Bird Bonus, where Slayer XP earned from battling the airut on a Slayer assignment is increased by 25%, and fighting them while not on a Slayer assignment to kill them will also earn […]