Albion Online: Impressive Beta Statistics

With a series of new numbers, Sandbox Interactive gives an interesting insight into the statistics surrounding Albion Online. The published figures are extremely up-to-date, because they are based on data collected since the Galahad update implemented four weeks ago. Galahad was the most comprehensive update of the Sandbox MMORPG so far and brought many changes and innovations. Therefore, the data collected and evaluated between March 13 and April 9, 2017 should be interesting and impressive for the developers as well as the players.

For instance, the current 212,815 Founders from 164 countries played over 2.8 million hours, almost 512 million resources were mined, 178,477 buildings were built and 13.1 million carrots were harvested. Tragically: 124,179 killed player characters in PvP mode are opposed to 850,811 hunters killed. The players, it seems, are prepared for the official launch of the game on 17 July 2017.


What is Albion Online?

Albion Online is a sandbox MMORPG from Sandbox Interactive, located in the medieval fantasy world of Albion. Thanks to the classless “You’re What You Wear” system, turning a skillful archer will turn a powerful magician into a powerful archer, and the players determine their role in the world itself. No matter if hard-fought fighters, farmers, traders or master craftsmen Every weapon, every building made by players. Whether PvE, PvP or in the guild guild against guild, any action in the game has a meaning – and consequences. PvP battles take place in the more dangerous zones of the game world according to the “Winner takes all” principle. Albion Online is the first PC game, which allows full player experience without compromising on tablets.

Albion Online is currently in the final beta phase, the official launch is scheduled for July 17, 2017. Get more news from our website: It sells cheap albion online gold. If you buy here, you will get fast delivery and best service.