Players begin the game in one of the three major cities, depending on the Disciple of War or Magic class they chose at character creation. The main story questline (denoted in-game by special icons above questgivers’ heads) acts as something as a guide in the early game -– something that 1.0 sorely lacked -– introducing […]

If there’s going to be combat, it needs to be good. That goes for every game system, really, but combat is an obvious one and nearly universal. I don’t care what system you use — you could use the traditional MMO hotbar-and-target system, you could go with TERA or WildStar’s more active approaches, you could […]

Square Enix announced today that Final Fantasy XIV: Libra Eorzea, its official smartphone application that can be downloaded through the iTunes Store iOS. Application offline games and a full-featured database character outlines audience, more features and Android version, future plans. Game database FINAL FANTASY XIV: LIBRA EORZEA included in the game, including projects, tasks, non-game characters of the NPC, achievements, and more extensive catalog. Will host updates the database works as a useful resource for constantly Final Fantasy XIV adventurer: a realm of rebirth.Here to supply Buy FFXIV Gil Character Profiles Players active FINAL FANTASY XIV: the realm of rebirth Square Enix account can login account […]

You would not put it on an ancient battle, unless you fall in love with ancient scroll like I do. Therefore, an ancient battle is what we call it. Forgotten. Skyline. Ring rules …… and so on, this is not right. To be honest, these two – story and I say – awesome game hardcore smack in the face of fantasy. There’s nothing better than this. Still have? Maybe sandbox style game. Or stunning graphics. Or cheeky NPC. Yes, the Elder Scrolls series is great. In fact, it is so great that it almost diabolical. There’s only one problem: In recent two games is better? For many people, this may be a no-brainer. Skyline is a new, more sexy, dragon. However, do […]

Square Enix announced today that Final Fantasy XIV: Libra Eorzea, its official smartphone application that can be downloaded through the iTunes Store iOS. Application offline games and a full-featured database character outlines audience, more features and Android version, future plans.Here to supply Buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil Game database FINAL FANTASY XIV: LIBRA EORZEA included in the game, including projects, tasks, non-game characters of the NPC, achievements, and more extensive catalog. Will host updates the database works as a useful resource for constantly Final Fantasy XIV adventurer: a realm of rebirth. Character Profiles Players active FINAL FANTASY XIV: the realm of rebirth Square […]

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn officially launches tomorrow, but Square Enix is already working on future content for the game. Given the MMO’s required monthly subscription, this sort of future planning is to be expected — but how long will players have to wait for new content to arrive? “We’re planning on doing a […]