There’s a huge new patch coming to Square Enix’s Wakfu, a beautifully rendered MMO from Ankama games. The game’s still in Closed Beta, but that didn’t stop the team from talking to us about what the testers are seeing added behind closed doors to make sure Wakfu is chock-full of content before it launches later this year. Taking place in the same world as the cult favorite Dofus, Wakfu’s story picks up over 1,000 years later. In the time of Dofus, an ogre named Ogrest managed to collect the six mythical Dofus eggs for the sake of someone he loved. But she spurned his advances, wanting only the eggs, and Ogrest killed her in a fit of rage. Later, perhaps sad for what he’d done, he sulked off to the summit of a mountain and cried for 1,000 years. Now, much like Dofus before it, the goal of Wakfu is to defeat Ogrest, but also to find out about the world and the lore as you go about this herculean quest.
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We had the chance to talk shop with Ankama Games about their upcoming MMORPG, Wakfu. A brand new update is hitting the closed beta quite soon, and we got all the juicy details. Take a look inside.