The Warcraft world is a familiar fantasy setting

The first server, or “realm” as Blizzard calls them, affected by the plague was Archimonde; but it is known to have spread to at least two others. The spread of the disease could have been limited by the fact that Hakkar is difficult to kill, so some realms may not yet have got round to killing him and unleashing his parting shot. In World of Warcraft players can be orcs, humans or other fantastic creatures The digital disease instantly killed lower level characters and did not take much longer to kill even powerful characters. Many online discussion sites were buzzing with reports from the disaster zones with some describing seeing “hundreds” of bodies lying in the virtual streets of the online towns and cities.

 “The debate amongst players now is if it really was intentional although due to the effects of the problem it seems unlikely,” Paul Younger, an editor on the unofficial site, told the BBC News website. “It’s giving players something to talk about and could possibly be considered the first proper ‘world event'”, he said. Luckily the death of a character in World of Warcraft is not final so all those killed were soon resurrected. Blizzard tried to control the plague by staging rolling re-starts of all the servers supporting the Warcraft realms and applying quick fixes.

However, there are reports that this has not solved all the problems and that isolated pockets of plague are breaking out again. The “Corrupted Blood” plague is not the first virtual disease to break out in game worlds. In May 2000 many players of The Sims were outraged when their game characters died because of an infection contracted from a dirty virtual guinea pig. We are glad to see you can give us some comment for our improving the service. We provide the cheapest gold for you have a better time in wow game.