Runescape, it is really a big game in the world, which made great influence for all the runescape players and other games. As a runescape player, you guys must be concern about the price and the fast delivery if you buy runescape gold from one website, right? As it has so many websites, it is really hard to choose the right one.
When you play as a free RS player without any runescape membership, you can only play in non-member worlds. You will not be able to enter to play in member world. Well, that means you will miss a lot of fun in member line. Not only about this, but also you will not be able to use the member armors and weapons. There are many rs items which can only be used by RS members, so if you are a free player, then we will be sorry to tell you, you will miss a lot of fun again due to this.
Runescape players are divided into two types. One is totally free players and the other one is members. There will be a very big difference if play as a free player and a member. In a word, if you become a member, you will have more fun and enjoy more privileges when you play RS.
But it will not make any difference in leveling up your characters as a free player or a member. You will get the same amount rs gold amount if you play very hard. But if you are too busy with school or work, you can consider playing with runescape bot when you are studying in school or working in the office. But to use bots is not very safe since Runescapegold2007 does not allow players to do botting, it violates their policy. Due to the fact that botting can bring a lot of runescape gold, many players still keeping using it.