In Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn you’ll be able to “pimp your ride” with multiple sets of job-themed Chocobo armor, and today Square Enix released a developer’s blog showcasing three of those (Dragoon, White Mage and Black Mage). You can check them out above and below.
In other news, the publisher will hold a live broadcast on Nico Nico about five hours from now (at 9 PM Japan time, that translates to 8 AM EDT) to celebrate the release of the “Before Meteor: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack” (of which you can check out a pretty crazy sample).
Hosting the broadcast we’ll have composer and sound director extraordinaire Masayoshi Soken and radio personality Akihisa Soguchi working as the announcer. You can watch the livestream here. Knowing Soken-san, we can expect comedy and a lot of great music.
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