Wizard101 : A Kid’s Game? Not Quite…Wizard101 : A Kid’s Game? Not Quite…







 In our latest Wizard101 column, we take a look at the proclivity of some to label anything by KingsIsle as a kids’ game. We wonder why this is so and offer a few thoughts as well as take a look back at the accomplishments of the W101 team over the course of 2012. Read on then leave your thoughts in the comments.
Now, before anyone gets their knickers in a knot wondering if I’m going to harangue on the sore losers (and you must admit there were some) in the announcement thread for whining about Pirate101 winning the Game of the Year, rest easy. I’m not going to do that. There has been plenty said on the subject in that particular thread and in Victor’s excellent take on the reaction. So, realistically and proverbially, “Nuff said.”