Nadirim developers have announced

Summary of the first two said,Overall, the Lost Shores was another successful event, and I’m really interested to see what else ArenaNet can come up with and what happens to Southsun Cove now that the event is over. While bugged NPCs did cause people to be alarmed for the rest of theevent, things picked up and kept players busy.  Adding in a new map and new enemies sure adds to the fun, a new dungeon is also available for players to try out, as well as the beta version of a new PVP map.  The nice bit of loot at the end for participants was also a nice touch (though many disconnected and missed out on it with ArenaNet offering a solution soon).  If futureevents are like what I’ve seen over this past weekend, the future for Guild wars 2 is going to be very exciting.  Let’s just hope things go more smoothly next time.I am beginning to wonder if maybe we misunderstood the Karka. Maybe they ust wanted to give usa hug.


Join us for this week’s The List as we share our picks for our favorite Diablo III classes (so far!).our prestigious company will fullfill any diablo 3 gold transaction with fast delivery,any fraudulent misrepresensation or fake statement will exterminated from our company,any customer who purchase D3 gold will obtain extra 5%-10% gold as the remuneration for frequently purchase

I outright dismissed this class when Diablo III was announced. I’m not into the whole Ace Ventura voodoo motif, so I was mostly turned off by the outward appearance of the class. However, having played alongside a friend of mine who mains a Witch Doctor, I’ve come to appreciate the serious variety in spell effects and functionality that the Witch Doctor brings. It’s a visually interesting class to behold and there are simply tons of options to choose from.  I’m definitely going to have to give this class a closer look.  Also, you can create a tower of zombies as a Witch Doctor. SOLD!

Read more of Michael Bitton’s The List: Favorite Diablo III Classes (So far!)

There are good and bad in the social aspects of Mists that bring the score to seven. While I find the community on WoW really has become Eliteist Jerks, like one of my favorite guild names, Blizzard has done a lot to enhance the social systems in the game. The group finder and open world group finder systems both add a lot to getting players into groups to run instances or explore new areas. It also adds to getting some of the quest lines done as you level up.  Add in Cross-Server zones (which have their own pluses and minuses) and you have the servers in WoW feeling alive again.

The thing that really falls short for me with Mists is the idea of Horde or Alliance players truly taking pride in their factions. While as a Horde player I began the expansion killing Alliance and creating more bad karma, it still did not give me a reason to take pride in my Horde bretheren. I think if Blizzard does do another expansion for the ten year anniversary, they should absolutely make this the focus point. It was hinted at in Mists, but the death blows were not struck to really push the Alliance and Horde into full all out war.  Here’s hoping 5.1and beyond bring this war to light more and more.


The lack of high-resolution character and armor textures outside of cutscenes in Star Wars: The Old Republic turned out to be an intentional move by Bioware and has stirred quite an uproar in the player community. We offer our thoughts in this week’s SWTOR column.our general method for swtor power leveling :kiiling monster, select the character which most coincide with their hobby, hand over the account to our company,and we we willfinsh their order via brand-new precautionary measure,so any accident happended during the period of power leveling:suspension,banning,or compromised account will not existedPlayers have been wondering about the non-functional ‘High’ setting in the game’s graphics options for some time now. If you’re unfamiliar, setting the game’s graphics settings to ‘High’ is visually no different from setting the game to ‘Medium’. Players also noticed that they were unable to achieve the same graphical quality they were seeing in the game’s cinematic dialogue while playing out in the game world. With enough folks clamoring for answers to both of these concerns, BioWare’s Stephen Reid promised to get them one.


Nadirim developers have announced some of the systems to be featured in the web-based title based on the Arabian Nights. In addition to the features, devs have also profiled the Mountain of Bells zone and the Nomad, one of five classes included in the game. Nadirim is set to go into closed beta in October but devs are promising weekly game information releases.The most competitive Price. By using a special price searching system to check the diablo 3 Gold prices of our 150 major competitors.We are able to maintain the most competitiveprice for players to buy diablo 3 gold,We guarantee 100% safe delivery method and take full responsibility for it, our company  have been completed thousands of transactions